Call for Paper

Information to Authors:

Call for Paper.pdf

Instruction of Paper Submission:

Authors are requested to submit two page short paper at first for consideration to be presented in the conference. Accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Papers presented in ICMST2020 are encouraged to submit full version paper for consideration to be included in the special issue of the e-Journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM). 

Please login to your account before submitting your short/full paper. The submission of the full paper can be made through the “Submit Paper” page under the "Paper Submission" menu. Papers must be submitted with PDF file. Please limit your short paper within 2 pages and your final full paper within 6 pages. Your full paper will be peer-reviewed by our scientific committee. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the e-Journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM). 


The deadline for two page short paper is April 10th, 2020, and for full paper submission is September 30th, 2020. The links of templates and instructions for preparing the manuscript are provided below:


MS Word: [template.doc] 

PDF: [template.pdf]

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Important Dates

April 10, 2020: Short paper submission deadline

May 31, 2020: Acceptance notification

July 30, 2020: Early registration deadline

Sept. 20, 2020: Full-paper submission



Xi'an Jiaotong University(XJTU)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Japan Scociety of Maintenology (JSM)

The China Society of Non-Destructive Testing (ChSNDT)